A hierarchial scale has been developed to help identify the worst feature of each malocclusion.  It has two purposes:

  1. To provide a guide to enable the examiner to survey the dentition systematically.  This ensures that all relevant occlusal anomalies are identified.
  2. When two or more occlusal anomalies meet the criteria for the same Dental Health Component grade, the hierarchial scale enables identification of the feature which should be recorded. (That means that if two or more features of the malocclusion give the same grade, then the scale tells you which one comes first)

M is for...... Missing (including congenital absence, ectopic and impacted teeth)

O is for...... Overjet (including reverse overjets)

C is for...... Crossbite

D is for...... Displacement (of contact points)

O is for...... Overbite (including open bites)

Each initial letter makes up the acronym MOCDO to help.

Click on the letters on the left hand side on the page to have a look at some examples